Position: Logistics, Quality and Acquisitions Manager
Department: Technical

Mariangela Dotti is a highly skilled logistics, quality, and acquisitions manager with a sweet and friendly disposition that makes her a valued member of the OmiFer team. As a key member of the organization, Mariangela is responsible for overseeing logistics, ensuring product quality, and managing all aspects of procurement. With a degree in several years of experience in logistics and quality management, Mariangela has the skills and expertise needed to ensure that every aspect of the company’s operations runs smoothly and efficiently. She is dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and is constantly seeking out new ways to improve logistics processes, enhance product quality, and optimize procurement practices. Mariangela’s friendly demeanor, collaborative approach, and commitment to delivering high-quality work make her an essential member of the OmiFer team. Her ability to manage complex logistics, maintain product quality, and ensure timely and cost-effective procurement make her an invaluable asset to the organization.
0039 3397999608